
Me? I’m a professional human located in Sydney, Australia.

I am employed by AWS (views here do not neccesarily represent those of my employer), previously having worked for Network Ten, the University of Sydney, Disney and a variety of publications and small video editing jobs in my youth. My professional focus involves thinking a lot about creative processes and their intersection with technology. I like to switch things off, hide technology, make it invisible.

I have spent a lot of time, money and energy on music. I have more guitars than I have time to play, more amplifiers than I have time to maintain and far too many delay and reverb pedals. I have front-of-house engineered live concerts for hundreds of bands over the past 20 years, from venues as small as living rooms to as large as outdoor festivals.

I like to travel and find interesting places to wander. I’m a big fan of American national parks and have a long list of hikes i’d like to knock off in the next decade or two.

You can usually find me lurking on Twitter. I hope to one day generate a post that amuses enough people to justify a post directing folk to my Soundcloud.